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Guernsey Pound

Guernsey - Guernsey Pound (GGP)
Rate: 1.4191

Our exchange rates are locked in every weekday at our branches around 8 am EST. The rate shown when you make the online reservation is the exchange rate of that day, so it is good for that day only. The exchange rate you pay will be that of the day when you actually pick up and pay for the currency. The indication rate gives you a good reference point as currency exchange rates typically move less than 3% day to day.

0.7046 GGP = $1 USD
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Symbol: £ 
Country: Guernsey
The Guernsey Pound is the currency of Guernsey. The banknotes are printed on paper. The States of Guernsey is responsible for issuing the Guernsey banknotes. The Guernsey pound is currently pegged to the British pound. While you are unable to use the Guernsey pound in England, you can exchange it for GBP. Guernsey is one of three other note issuing authorities outside of the UK including Isle of Man and Jersey.