Symbol: ƒ
Country: Aruba
The Aruba Florin is the currency of Aruba. The Aruba Florin is currently pegged to the US dollar. The banknotes are printed on paper. The Central Bank of Aruba is responsible for issuing the Aruba banknotes. The goals of the Central Bank of Aruba all align to ensure the growth of the national economy in a balanced manner.
Did You Know?
These items cost the USD equivalent in the city of Aruba*:
Fares are per taxi for a maximum of 5 passengers. Fares are flat rate set by the government. No meters are used. The driver is required to tell you the fare to your destination upon request before you enter the taxi.
Sunday fares are surcharged $3.00
Holiday fares are surcharged $3.00
After midnight fares are surcharged $3.00
Minimum rate is $6.00
Hired rate is $45.00/hour
Budget Dinner for 2: $20.00 USD
Pint of Beer: $3.75 USD
*Figures are based on 2022 data. Information is subject to change as exchange rates and cost of goods fluctuate.