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Norwegian Krone

Norway - Norwegian Krone (NOK)
Rate: 0.09837

Our exchange rates are locked in every weekday at our branches around 8 am EST. The rate shown when you make the online reservation is the exchange rate of that day, so it is good for that day only. The exchange rate you pay will be that of the day when you actually pick up and pay for the currency. The indication rate gives you a good reference point as currency exchange rates typically move less than 3% day to day.

10.1657 NOK = $1 USD
How much would you like to buy?
Symbol: kr 
Country: Norway
The Norwegian krone is the currency of Norway. The banknotes are printed on paper. The Norges Bank is responsible for issuing the Norwegian banknotes. Norway is a member of the European Union and although they do not exchange the euro, they do use EU best payment practices. Even after the Scandinavian Monetary Union dissolved in 1914, Norway continued to use the krone as a separate currency and it remains the official currency today. Krone translated into English means ‘crown’.

Did You Know?
These items cost the USD equivalent in the city of Oslo, Norway*:
  • 10 Mile Cab Ride: $46.25 USD
  • Budget Dinner for 2: $37.00 USD
  • Pint of Beer: $9.25 USD
  • Tip Percentage: N/A¹

  • *Figures are based on 2023 data. Information is subject to change as exchange rates and cost of goods fluctuate.
    ¹Tipping is not customary and may be considered rude.